Yesterday, I went with a friend to the Buffalo market about 30 minutes south of our city. At first when hearing "", I thought it would just be another market, but after seeing this one, it was quite different than all the ones we shop at around our house! The buffalo market was huge, with all the normal items, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh meat, cloths, cleaning supplies, outdoor supplies, toys and much more. However, this market also sold used motorcycles and livestock as well; water buffalo, cattle and chickens. I happen to have my camera and thought you might enjoy a little Thai culture! The funny thing was that most of the vendors thought I was a tourist and were all so excited to have their picture taken back to another country! Here's to them.
This man was selling honey combs, which were quite expensive by Thai standards!
As you all know, snakes are not one of my favorite things...not even cut up and ready to eat!
Cow fat and intestinal fluids, yummy to eat (so they say) and adds a bitter flavor to meats!
Dried fish is sold at all the markets.
Peppers anyone!
Pickled fish. No, it's not like pickled cucumbers. Basically, salt is added to fish and it sits for 3 to 6 months before being sold as a tasty side dish. Yes, it smells just like you might think! My friend said that she heats hers up to cook the worms or other things that might be growing in it. As I was turning my nose up, she said 'oh, it's good and that's just adding protein'. I'll take her word for it and stick to baked, broiled or fried fish!The lady dipping my friend's portion.
While waiting on the picked fish, this lady was trying to give me samples of her tobacco products. The pod at the bottom of the picture is chewed by the older Thai population.
Roosters and chickens
JD wants to come back to try some of that.
thanks for sharing all the cultural pics! i hope y'all are doing well!
hey this is marlee i thought that was very interesting i can't wait untill we come=-}...
i dont think i want to try this food. it looks kinda strange... now you know me i probable will change my mind by december...miss you
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