Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring Break 2008

Austin and Adriann get a two week spring break each year. It is during the hottest season in Thailand, so a perfect time to get away! We traveled to the beach for the first few days where temperatures one day were 118 F, then the last 10 days we brought out the coats for the 32 degrees windchill. Enjoy the few shots we're able to share!

Adriann enjoying the sand! Notice the dog resting under the chair.

What a sight...Clear water, mountains, a longtail boat and the most handsome boy I know!

Girls just wanta have fun! Be glad this is only a picture and not video!!!!


Anonymous said...

You guys look great ad it looks like you had a blast! Hope we can see you all soon!

Ellen said...

How neat that you get to see so much of God's beautiful world and experience so much! Maybe I can visit one day!