Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Teacher Conferences
As the first quarter came to a close, the annual long awaited parent/teacher conferences were scheduled. Having one child in middle school and one in high school awarded us the opportunity to see a multitude of different teachers. The first teacher said something like this, “Austin is doing very well in my class, I enjoy having him, he participates well and maybe could even add more as his thoughts are insightful.” The next teacher’s comments were “Adriann is doing very well, she’s a joy to have in class, she participates well but could possibly even talk a little less.” This went on throughout the next few sessions and I found myself chuckling out loud as I would leave each room. As their Mom, I am very proud of their efforts and work the first quarter. However, I am also delighted in who God has created each of them to be. Different, yes, actually opposites in some respects yet alike in many others. I am thankful God has entrusted them to our care...for such a time as this.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Blessings come in small packages!
This past week, I had my annual “I miss fall” moment. Autumn is by far my favorite time of the year in America. So many things make it a special time, the cool weather after hot Mississippi summers, football games, our anniversary, and the changing of the leaves to name only a few. In those moments, where I long to see the trees glowing with vibrant reds, oranges and yellows, I find myself looking back at pictures from Smoky Mountain trips gone by, bringing out the box in storage labeled “fall decorations” and baking pumpkin bread. Recently as my friend and I were walking one morning, we were amazed to find a tree in our neighborhood with a few red leaves. What a sweet gift God gave us, living right here in the middle of the tropics! It reminded me that Father loves me and cares about every detail of my life.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Drum roll...........
After an extended break from blogging, we're back! The blog began as a way to keep family and friends updated on our lives in Asia. We'd also like to share all that Father is doing to draw the nations to Himself. Psalms 105:1-5 says it best, "Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him, tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name, let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength, seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced."
On a personal note, these are a few family pictures taken a few months ago! My how much our children have grown. Austin is about to complete his sophomore year of high school and Adriann is finishing up elementary school. Next year - 7th grade, not sure if this Mom is ready for my kiddos to be in middle and high school! We are blessed...I thank God daily for the children he has entrusted to us for such a time as this.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Christmas 2009
It was great to have family here for Christmas. Lots of fun and many memories were made.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Monday, October 26, 2009
Oh My! It seems the blog always gets pushed to the bottom of the "To Do List". As a child, I recall summer breaks being so long and my mother reminding me that when I got older, time would go more quickly. There's still 24 hours in a day, but the busyness of life certainly makes it seem to be flying. Guess Mom was right again!
Here's a glimpse into a few highlights from our life!
In September, we celebrated Dusty's 11 birthday with peanut butter cake. Dusty has been such delight to have as part of the family. You would think this dog was a baby, the way we ALL treat her.
As many of you know, Adriann has wanted to take piano lessons for quite some time. She saved her money to help purchase a piano and started lessons this past summer. She and a friend had a mini recital and showcased their pieces. Khruu Apple their teacher has done a wonderful job teaching them!
Jerry and Kelly at a resort near Chiang Mai!
Loy Kratong Festival is a Buddhist celebration observed in October/November each year throughout Thailand. One aspect of this celebration is the floating of lanterns as scene below. This picture was taken when over 1000 lanterns were being released.
Prior to the release of the lanterns, a ceremony and meditation time was held to pay homage to lord Buddha.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
July 2009 in review!
The 4th of July this year we went with friends to the Flight of the Gibbon, a zip-line tour through the rainforest outside of Chiang Mai. It was amazing and absolutely beautiful! We'd highly recommend it. That evening we celebrated with other US citizens at the American Consulate Independence Day celebration. Later in the month we rang in Jerry's 42nd birthday. Busy month, but great memories! We'll let the pictures speak now...
The Stars and Stripes waving proudly!
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